
Registration to Regional Sessions now open

By Matti Lötjönen • 8 syyskuun, 2011

For the fourth time, EYP Finland will organise its annual Regional Sessions. The three sessions will take place in Helsinki, Raisio and Savonlinna in October and November 2011. The Regional Sessions act as a preliminary round for the 19th National Session of EYP Finland, to be held in Tampere in January 2012.

Since 2008, the Regional Sessions of EYP Finland have been a gateway to the EYP world for hundreds of high school students in Finland. They have also gained a solid reputation as high-quality events among the international EYP community, as indicated by the high number of applications for officials’ posts in the recent years.

The Regional Sessions in 2011 are again a part of the Your European Citizenship Campaign of EYP Finland, each having a specific theme related to the campaign. They are supported by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and succeeded by an extensive school tour at Finnish high schools.

EYP Finland now welcomes all Finnish high schools to send students to the Regional Sessions. You can read all essential information on the Information Booklet (in Finnish). Registrations are to be sent at ilmoittautumiset(at)eypfinland.org by 30 September. Should you have any questions, please contact Elina Sairanen at elina.sairanen(at)eypfinland.org.