
Open registrations for sessions at the moment

Regional Sessions are usually three-day (Friday-Sunday) events where you get to simulate the European Parliament. All participants are approximately between ages 15 and 22. The sessions are organised completely in English but don’t worry if you don’t know the language that well: the goal is to learn it!

Participants are divided into small groups, Committees, where you get to discuss a current European topic and develop a Resolution to help the situation. You will improve your teamwork and communication skills. The resolutions are finally debated with all participants in a lively General Assembly where you get to practice your speech and debating skills.

During the session, you will make new friends around Finland and Europe through various Teambuilding activities.

The sessions are a great way to learn more about internationality, European affairs, and the European Union. You can take our word for it: over 90% of delegates would recommend sessions to their friends, and rated sessions as 4.49 on a scale of 1-5.

Projektia rahoittaa Valtioneuvoston kanslian Eurooppatiedotus.

Regional Sessions Autumn 2024

Tampere Regional Session 18.-20.10.

Beyond borders: welcoming cultural diversity for stronger Europe

Kuopio Regional Session 1.-3.11.

Democracy under threat: upholding the European values and strengthening the Union’s democracy

Lappeenranta Regional Session 15.-17.11.

Prevention is the key: promoting public health for future generations of Europe

In case of questions you may contact

Regional Sessions Autumn 2024

Delegation signup (for teachers)

Individual signup: (for individuals and students)


We will collect a participation fee of 35€, covering meals and accommodation. Delegates are responsible for covering the costs for travelling to and from the session. If you are financially unable to cover the participation fee, you can apply for an exemption by emailing us.

Parental consent and permission is required for participants under the age of 18. Underage participants will receive a parental consent form via email before the session. Instructions to send the consent form will be sent to participants closer to the events.

Participants are on their own responsibility. Please make sure to have your own accident insurance.

The registration is binding. A delegate can cancel their participation without charges at the latest two weeks before the session. If cancelled closer to the event, the participation fee will be collected in full (excluding cases of sickness with medical certificates).

Positions are filled according to registration order. Make sure to register now!