
Joensuu 2013 at Tietysti.fi

Feelings and findings from Joensuu 2013 by two delegates of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. The text also features comments from ECON's expert and the Prime Minister of Finland. The entire article, written in Finnish, can be read here here.


Tampere 2012 at tietysti.fi

Linda Lammensalo, delegate at the Regional Session in Tampere, wrote an article about her experiences in the session for tietysti.fi, the online science journal of the Finnish…


Experts from the Finnish Academy to Attend Joensuu 2013

It is our great pleasure to announce that Joensuu – 19th National Session of EYP Finland will be joined by experts from the Finnish Academy – the largest funder of scientific research in Finland. The first day of committee work will feature expert hearings, during which delegates will have the chance to ask questions and evaluate their ideas with some of the leading experts of their topics in Finland.


Ilmoittautuminen syksyn alueellisiin istuntoihin

EYP Finland järjestää alueelliset istuntonsa vuonna 2012 jo viidettä kertaa. Tämän vuoden istunnot järjestetään Tampereella, Salossa ja Kauniaisissa loka–marraskuussa. Delegaatioiden ilmoittautuminen istuntoihin on nyt alkanut. Istuntojen esitteeseen voi tutustua tässä.


Call for Officials: Regional Sessions 2012

European Youth Parliament Finland will organise its annual Regional Sessions for the fifth time in 2012. The sessions will take place in Tampere, Salo and Kauniainen in October and November 2012, and they will be presided by Alexandre Narayanin (DE/FR), Jan Bubienczyk (FI) and Franziska Maier (DE), respectively. The Regional Sessions act as preliminary round of the 19th National Session of EYP Finland, to be held in Joensuu in January 2013.